Welcome Sandboxers The Office Tour part one
Okay, so I was a bit bored, and decided to share some more detailed shots of my office with you guys.
Here's a dozen pics I took just standing in the middle of my work space, spinning around. Just enough pictures to kill the batteries in the digital camera. Please note that the office is quite messy, due to me not having cleaned up after Christmas yet. Sometime soon, the West Wall will be getting additional shelves and will be reworked a bit. The empty wall soon will not be empty any longer.

First up, we have a shot of what lurks behind the door, as you can see this is mostly TC Joes, with a few odds and ends tossed in.
You can also see part of my Yankees banner, and the dress shirt that I was looking for the other day.
Aside from the TC guys, you'll find the 35th set, John F. Kennedy, an Early Dragon dude, and an Honor Guard figure.

Looking a bit more floorward, we find even more TC Joes, plus the HOF Rapid Fire, a cheap-o Target CC Joe, boxes from the 40th line, and the Monty Python Knights from Sideshow. Just barely visible is the top of the Action Man croc hunter set. Under the mound of debris is my scanner. On top of the scanner you can see the side of the Billy Yank that's going out to Charlie Bury tomorrow.

The East Wall.
My convention sets and Club Reproduction figures. Also mixed in amongst the throng are the Playing Mantis Captain Action and Dr. Evil, A Classicos Falcon Piloto, the Target Duke, and some clear and multi-colored guys.
And yes, that's a Sigma Six set in the very corner of the office--the Ninja Showdown.

The space directly over my desk, where I do all my bullying of poor little newbies in the Sandbox.
Those are the FAO Green Beret and Jungle Fighter guys, precariously hanging over my computer. You can also see the aformentioned Sigma Six Ninja Showdown, and if you look hard, the NWA TNA Raven figure. Plus the Hallmark ornament Helicoptor is on my monitor.
Blogger is acting up, so this will be continued.
Here's a dozen pics I took just standing in the middle of my work space, spinning around. Just enough pictures to kill the batteries in the digital camera. Please note that the office is quite messy, due to me not having cleaned up after Christmas yet. Sometime soon, the West Wall will be getting additional shelves and will be reworked a bit. The empty wall soon will not be empty any longer.

First up, we have a shot of what lurks behind the door, as you can see this is mostly TC Joes, with a few odds and ends tossed in.
You can also see part of my Yankees banner, and the dress shirt that I was looking for the other day.
Aside from the TC guys, you'll find the 35th set, John F. Kennedy, an Early Dragon dude, and an Honor Guard figure.

Looking a bit more floorward, we find even more TC Joes, plus the HOF Rapid Fire, a cheap-o Target CC Joe, boxes from the 40th line, and the Monty Python Knights from Sideshow. Just barely visible is the top of the Action Man croc hunter set. Under the mound of debris is my scanner. On top of the scanner you can see the side of the Billy Yank that's going out to Charlie Bury tomorrow.

The East Wall.
My convention sets and Club Reproduction figures. Also mixed in amongst the throng are the Playing Mantis Captain Action and Dr. Evil, A Classicos Falcon Piloto, the Target Duke, and some clear and multi-colored guys.
And yes, that's a Sigma Six set in the very corner of the office--the Ninja Showdown.

The space directly over my desk, where I do all my bullying of poor little newbies in the Sandbox.
Those are the FAO Green Beret and Jungle Fighter guys, precariously hanging over my computer. You can also see the aformentioned Sigma Six Ninja Showdown, and if you look hard, the NWA TNA Raven figure. Plus the Hallmark ornament Helicoptor is on my monitor.
Blogger is acting up, so this will be continued.